The Rumi Concert ~ Interdisciplinary Multicultural Theater
The Rumi Concert is a modern American interpretation of an ancient message found within the poetry of the 13th century mystic, Jelaluddin Rumi, advocating love, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and healing.
In contrast, today’s information-cyber-world has created a smaller planet and at the same time made the search for Truth more difficult in the midst of escalating walls of fear, despair, alienation, hatred and misconstrued beliefs.
“Just now,” Barks says, “I feel there is a strong global movement, an impulse that wants to dissolve the boundaries that religions have put up and end the sectarian violence. It is said that people of all religions came to Rumi’s funeral in 1273. Because, they said, he deepens our faith wherever we are. This is a powerful element in his appeal now.”
The Rumi Concert Exemplifies Rumi's Powerful Message for Today's World.
Coleman Barks in his book Rumi: Bridge to the Soul sees Rumi himself as the “soul bridge,” who crosses cultures and religions and brings us all together to listen to his words, regardless of origin or creed. Rumi’s poetry can carry you into the interior silence and joy of the spirit, the place that unites conscious knowing with a deeper, more soulful understanding. This 13th century Persian poet, whose language leaves you speechless, suggests that most of the time we cannot apprehend truth directly – we need stories and poems as intermediaries. They serve as messengers that both hide and reveal.
“Rumi’s visions, words, and life teach us how to reach inner peace and happiness so we can finally stop the continual stream of hostility and hatred and achieve true global peace and harmony.” —Professor Majid M. Naini