“This world is in deep trouble,
from top to bottom.
But it can be swiftly healed
by the balm of love.”
―Jelaluddin Rumi
Challenging times encourage us to seek paths to foster harmony. We must build bridges of goodwill and understanding over barriers built of fear and misinformation. We offer The Rumi Concert as a bridge to tolerance and inclusion. To learn more about the performance presentation—
In celebration of healing and tolerance, four extraordinary artists have gathered around scholar and poet, Coleman Barks, to create The Rumi Concert. Barks, the translator whose work sparked an American renaissance and made Rumi the best-selling poet in the United States, ticks off the reasons Rumi endures: “His startling imaginative freshness. The deep longing that we feel coming through. His sense of humor. There’s always a playfulness [mixed] in with the wisdom.” To learn more about Jelaluddin Rumi—

Rumi’s works come to life through dance, music, story, humor and poetry in this dynamic collaboration for the Washington National Cathedral Concert:
- Coleman Barks—Scholar, Poet and Translator of Rumi
- Zuleikha—International Storydancer
- Glen Velez—4-time Grammy Award-Winning Percussionist
- Omar Faruk Tekbilek, World Performer/Recording Artist
- Dawn Avery, Cellist and Vocalist
along with Special Guest Artists. To learn more about the artists for the Cathedral Rumi Concert—
The Rumi Concert core collaborating artists are Coleman Barks, Zuleikha and Glen Velez. Various guest artists are invited to join them to complement each concert.