“We were all born by accident but this wandering caravan will make camp in perfection
Forget the nonsense categories of there and here, race, nation, religion, starting point and destination
You are soul, and you are love…
No more questions now as to what it is we’re doing here”
—Jelaluddin Rumi (Coleman Barks translation)
“Beyond our ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’
doesn’t make sense any more.”
—Jelaluddin Rumi (Coleman Barks translation)
“Water the fruit trees, and don’t water the thorns. Be generous to what nurtures the spirit and God’s luminous reason-light. Don’t honor what causes dysentery and knotted-up tumors.”
—Jelaluddin Rumi (Coleman Barks translation)
I have lived on the lip
of insanity, wanting to know reasons,
knocking on the door. It opens.
I’ve been knocking from the inside!
—Jelaluddin Rumi (Coleman Barks translation)
The Storydancer Project (TSP) envisions The Rumi Concert as one key of many that can open a door to multicultural interfaith tolerance.
TSP received a financial gift that we wish to share with presenters to help create activities that encourage and embrace interfaith and intercultural inclusion.
We call these events the Tent of Tolerance, a symbolic reference. It is not required that a presenter of The Rumi Concert participate in this program. However, only presenters of The Rumi Concert are invited to participate. This is not a competitive process. The funding is available should you decide to create a Tent of Tolerance event or group of activities. Tent of Tolerance shall coincide with the concert presentation and represent the goal of building interfaith bridges.
Up to $4500 is available to each applicant. The funds are available in two categories: Arts and Humanities Scholar Fees (up to $2500) and Tent of Tolerance Program Expenses (up to $2000).
These funds are to be used to gather local artists and scholars of varied traditions and beliefs for a community Tent of Tolerance that embraces the expression of diversity. This can take the form of a single event, multiple events, or a series of smaller activities. The possibilities include the visual arts, media, performance, lecture, panel discussions, workshops, master classes, readings, classroom visits, social event, dance party, or something unique to your community vision.
Up to $2500 in local artist fees will be paid by The Rumi Concert through the presenter, a partnering organization, or direct to the artist/scholar. No matching funds are required but leveraging is encouraged.
Application process
To request funding please provide:
• Narrative; what is it about these artists and the community gathering(s) you envision that encourages tolerance of different cultures, peoples, and beliefs by attendees?
• Background on the artists &/or scholars to be funded
• Timeline for the event/activities
• Budget breakout
• A short and simple final report after the event
Often it is not the will but rather the lack of familiarity and resources which limits association between communities. Up to $2000 is available to pay for expenses that support broad participation by people of varied cultures and beliefs. No matching funds are required but leveraging is encouraged.
Examples of appropriate expenses:
– Renting a community hall for a tolerance event in an area of your city that invites attendance from new audiences
– Chartering vans and buses from underserved communities
– Mass transit stipends for bus, taxi, train, Uber
– Advertising a tolerance event in targeted media specific to a particular community
– Translation services to help bridge language barriers, including the hearing impaired
– Catering of multi-ethnic cuisines and beverages
– Renting AV equipment to share talk, music, images, video
– Installation costs for a cross-cultural art exhibit that becomes the gathering space for Tent of Tolerance events
Application process
To request funding please provide:
• Narrative; How these funds will be used to expand participation among various ethnicities and beliefs under your Tent of Tolerance
• Budget breakout
• If vendors are to be contracted, a copy of their quotes
• a short and simple final report after the event
The Rumi Concert is an event of The Storydancer Project, an international 501(c)(3) artistic health resource organization, Santa Fe, New Mexico.